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Nine Lessons on How to Teach 21st Century Skills and Knowledge

As Thomas Friedman put it in a recent New York Times column, globalization compounds the urgency for students to develop the skills and knowledge they need for economic and civic success in the 21st century. Yet despite widespread agreement among parents, educators, employers, and policymakers worldwide that students need skills like critical thinking, problem solving, […]

Global Technology Resources for Elementary Students

Easy access to multiple technologies makes this a genuinely exciting time to begin the process of going global at any school. In fact, one of the fastest and most effective ways to incorporate a global approach is through the use of digital technologies. Computers, interactive software, video conferencing, games, online courses, blogs, educational television, video […]

Apps for Global Mobile Learning (Part 2)

On Wednesday, we reported on apps that can be used to teach for global competence in Art, Science, Math, and ELA. Here we continue our list for Languages, History, Social Studies, and Service Learning. Languages Being Global: 
This multimedia story and activity app is based on the award-winning children’s book What Does It Mean To […]

How Seattle Created Schools for the Future

Seattle’s busy port, with its colorful cranes and massive cargo shipping facilities, is one of the largest in the United States. The port generates some $12 billion in business revenue each year, mostly from trade with Pacific Rim countries. It’s quite a view from the <a href=””>Seattle Public Schools</a> headquarters just three blocks away. About […]

Digital, Global Learning

Digital Learning Day was an inspiration. It has, for one, inspired me to write about three things I wish to see happen. The organizers Alliance for Excellent Education defined digital learning as “any instructional practice using technology to strengthen student learning.” Educators and policymakers throughout the United States watched and chatted online as experts share […]