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Five Tips to Strengthen International School Partnerships

With travel and exchanges becoming increasingly affordable to more schools and students, we have an opportunity and responsibility to build effective K-12 level school-to-school partnerships with student exchange programs that are much more than vacations abroad. With vision, design, resources, persistence, and a little bit of luck, school-to-school partnerships are treasure troves for student learning […]

How Seattle Created Schools for the Future

Seattle’s busy port, with its colorful cranes and massive cargo shipping facilities, is one of the largest in the United States. The port generates some $12 billion in business revenue each year, mostly from trade with Pacific Rim countries. It’s quite a view from the <a href=””>Seattle Public Schools</a> headquarters just three blocks away. About […]

Teachers We Love You, Now Please Go Away

Nothing opens up ones worldview like international travel. When teachers have this opportunity it can have far-reaching impact. Personal perceptions change, cultural awareness is heightened, and the ability to respond to a variety of cultures is vastly improved. Teachers return from travel with knowledge, insights, and understandings that are invaluable in increasingly diverse classrooms. They […]