For School Leaders
To become successful adults in a global 21st century, children and adolescents need a broad range of experiences to build their knowledge of the world and understand their place in it. And yet the traditional school day does not always provide enough time or space to do that.
The Global Competence in Expanded Learning Time guide, directed at school leaders and leadership teams, is meant to provide practical guidance on how to expand time and space for learning in order to better prepare students to participate and succeed in our global economy and global society. It will help you think about how an expanded learning program can help you produce globally competent graduates, how you can leverage partnerships with community-based organizations to do so, how to plan for implementation appropriately, and how to assess whether you are reaching your goals.
Each section contains key elements to think about and provides supporting tools to help you get started. You should feel free to modify the tools to your own school’s situation, partners, and goals. You may find you have your own tools or templates that your school or district uses, in which case you should use those. The tools in this guide are meant to limit the need to “reinvent the wheel” as you plan your program.
To get started, download the entire Global Competence in Expanded Learning Time (PDF) guide, or the section How to Use This Guide (PDF).
Explore this website to find more information about how to plan for a globally focused expanded learning program at your school: