Why Expanded Learning?
The critical competencies that are now required for success in work and citizenship include 21st century skills such as problem identification, analysis, synthesis, interpretation, and critical thinking, all embedded within rigorous disciplinary study. Schools are being held to a higher accountability from policymakers and parents for the development of these new skills. Furthermore, these new skills are increasingly critical for low-income and minority youth, who equally deserve the opportunity to compete for high-paying jobs in the global economy.
To a school leader, this can be a daunting task within the confines of the traditional school day and year. With this higher accountability and responsibility, many schools find that if they expand the boundaries of time, space, and partners, they can better achieve global competence, provide more opportunity and connections for their students, and broaden their stakeholder groups of support. This guide will help you achieve those goals.
To get started, download the Achieving Your Goals by Expanding Learning Time (PDF) section of the Global Competence in Expanded Learning Time guide, including the related tools.