For Trainers

The Expanding Horizons Toolkit for Trainers outlines a staff training that afterschool trainers or professional development providers can facilitate as part of in-house trainings or staff meetings. The training includes a comprehensive introduction to the concept of global competence, dynamic warm-ups, discussions, role-playing, reflection writing, and more. To adapt the training to different training lengths, see the suggested Training Agendas on this website.

In addition, the toolkit provides all the handouts for afterschool staff who are receiving the training, as well as additional resources. Resource materials include articles, worksheets, guides, scenarios, templates, and instructions for facilitating training activities with youth. The materials are intended to guide participant learning, provide additional content, and prompt participants to document ideas and plans generated in the training as well as upon return to their programs. Many of the materials are useful on their own, but we strongly recommend that they be provided in the context of the training activities for which they were developed.

To get started, download the Introduction: How to Use the Expanding Horizons Toolkit for Trainers (PDF), or the entire toolkit (ZIP).

Explore this website to find more information about each training module: