Evaluate a Global Learning Program
Program evaluation allows you to take an honest look at what’s happening in your program so that you can replicate what works and strengthen areas in need of improvement. Carrying out a meaningful program evaluation will help you to create an action plan to move the program closer to achieving its global learning (and overall) goals. While you may already be doing some form of program evaluation (e.g., surveys or other data collection), it is important to look at your program holistically. Involving staff, partners, and young people in the process of evaluating your global programming allows you to get a full view of how well your program is achieving its desired outcomes, to what extent young people are achieving the desired global outcomes, and in what areas you might wish to improve. The Global Learning in Afterschool Self-Assessment Tool outlines a process for carrying out a global program evaluation and can be used in conjunction with other program quality evaluation tools to help you strengthen global learning initiatives within the context of your broader afterschool program. This section consists of resources to help program directors involve various stakeholder groups (including youth) in program evaluation.
To get started, download the Program Evaluation (PDF) section from the Expanding Horizons Toolkit for Directors, including the related resources, staff meeting agendas, and training plans.