Over the past three decades, China has dazzled the rest of the world with its stunning, high-speed economic growth. However, rapid urbanization, poverty reduction and transformation of city skylines have come at a grave price: air and water pollution, degraded forests, pasturelands and marine habitats, growing greenhouse gas emissions and a host of other environmental problems.
China Green, a multimedia enterprise, will document China’s environmental issues now and for years to come and will strive to serve as a web forum where people with an interest in China and its environmental challenges can find interesting visual stories and share critical information about the most populous nation in the world whose participation in the solution to global environmental problems, such as climate change, will be indispensable.
Enjoy and share your thoughts and insights with us on the site.
Orville Schell, Editor-in-Chief
Michael Zhao, Managing Editor/Producer
Producers: David Barreda, Leah Thompson, Yunfan Sun
Executive Director, Asia Society Online: Bill Swersey
Digital Design Director: Juliet Y. Chou
Redesign by Concentric Studio
Web Developer: Inhye Lee
Contributors: Laura Chang, John Delury, Ariane Wu, Andrew Smeall, Deanna Lee, Alex Farbstein, Lauraleigh Bush, Noopur Agarwal, Jennifer Mattson, Jeff Tompkins, Catherine Colman.
“Clearing the Air: China’s Environmental Challenge” project won the 2009 Asian American Journalists Association’s Unlimited Subject Matter: Online National Journalism Award; “Tibetan Plateau in Peril” project won theSociety for News Design’s Best of Multimedia Design Competition for the third quarter of 2008/09.
This site’s design and development is a co-production of Asia Society Center on U.S.-China Relations and Asia Society Online.
Pictures Talk video series 看图说话微视频系列July 8th, 2014
Fresh Air By 2030 teaserAugust 31st, 2013
Hopeful 怀有希望August 29th, 2013
Fresh Air By 2030 静候佳气July 31st, 2013
China Air Daily Goes to Pingyao 中国空气日报参展平遥国际摄影大展August 28th, 2012
Poyang: Tale of A LakeAugust 21st, 2012
A Story of Invisible Water 看不见的水May 11th, 2012
A Story of Invisible Water (Full Length) 看不见的水(完整版)May 11th, 2012
China’s Fragile ForestsApril 11th, 2012
COAL+ICE video tourFebruary 3rd, 2012
The River Runs Back 无定之河October 6th, 2011
The Wetland Series 湿地系列September 8th, 2011
At Desert’s Edge 沙漠边缘July 28th, 2011
E-waste: Afterlife 电子垃圾的多彩来生July 20th, 2011
China Green trailers 中国绿坛预览片集锦June 30th, 2011
Himalayan Meltdown TrailerJune 1st, 2011
Don’t Cry, Three Gorges 三峡别哭April 26th, 2011
Fate of Old Beijing 胡同的湮灭March 30th, 2011
Air Match-up Weekly 每周空气对比March 1st, 2011
Baby Cribs on Yangtze Glaciers 长江源婴儿床December 1st, 2010
The Melt 大消融:亚洲水塔正东流December 1st, 2010
Summer of Yueming 曰明的暑假November 16th, 2010
Inspiring China 萌芽中国November 9th, 2010
The Story of Tsoe (Tibetan antelopes) 藏羚羊的故事September 23rd, 2010
Climate Change: China 2009 气候变化:中国在行动June 29th, 2010
Vanishing Grasslands 沙尘吞噬的草原June 10th, 2010
Black Lungs 尘肺病May 18th, 2010
Fading Shangri-La 失色中的香格里拉April 15th, 2010
Less Blessed 神山恩渐少February 18th, 2010
Origins of Rivers: Omens of A CrisisFebruary 9th, 2010
Why China? Why Climate? 着眼中国,关注气候February 5th, 2010
Shanzhai Electric Car Revolution 山寨电动汽车革命January 4th, 2010
ICIMOD: For Mountains and PeopleNovember 13th, 2009
Dark CloudsSeptember 21st, 2009
Big Tree CountyJuly 29th, 2009
Everest’s Vanishing GlaciersJune 3rd, 2009
Climate Change: China’s Actions 2008May 22nd, 2009
Guanzhou ModernizedApril 23rd, 2009
Lessons of the Loess Plateau 黄土高坡的教训April 22nd, 2009
Energy Retrofitter Sohota 圣通的央视节能改造April 22nd, 2009
Damming the Angry RiverApril 22nd, 2009
China: UnderminedApril 22nd, 2009
Four Great RiversApril 20th, 2009