Less Blessed 神山恩渐少

China’s mother river, the Yellow, was known for its devastating floods in ancient times. Nowadays, however, it stops flowing all the way to the sea many days of the year. Apart from increasing demand from agricultural and industrial water usage, the water shortage can also be traced all the way to its originating streams up on the northeastern corner of the Tibetan Plateau. Mt Anyemaqen, the local spirit mountain, is a bless to both local nomadic population and also those downstream. As the snow and ice melts ever faster, the whole river system and residents on its banks are finding themselves less blessed.

2 Responses to “Less Blessed 神山恩渐少”

  1. Tibet Right.org : Tibetan plateau experiences ill effects of climate change Says:

    [...] Read more about the Tibetan Plateau by Michael Zhao in the Far Eastern Economic Review and World Policy Journal, and watch Less Blessed: Anyemaqen, Glaciers and the Yellow River: [...]

  2. Robin Says:

    I have visited the area described in your video “Less Blessed” Is there any way I could copy or be given a copy of the video to show it, via my computer, to older interested friends who do not have access to the Internet?


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