COAL+ICE video tour

Coal + Ice is a documentary photography exhibition featuring the work of 30 photographers from China, the United States, Canada, Malaysia, Russia, Hungary, Poland, Norway, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom, whose work, brought together here, visually narrates the hidden chain of actions triggered by mankind’s use of coal.

This photographic arc moves from deep within the coal mines to the glaciers of the greater Himalaya where greenhouse gasses are warming the high altitude climate.  As these mighty glaciers melt at an accelerated pace, the great rivers of Asia that flow from the Tibetan Plateau into the oceans are disturbed, and the lives of billions of people downstream are disrupted.

Video produced by Leah Thompson

Originally published on Friday February 3, 2012

《冰 + 煤》是一次纪实摄影展,展出包括来自中国、美国、加拿大、马来西亚、俄罗斯、匈牙利、波兰、挪威、意大利、德国和英国的三十位摄影师的作品, 以视觉的形式揭示了人类对煤炭的开采利用所触发的隐秘的连锁反应。


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