Vision, Mission & Culture



The school community shares a common vision for the school predicated on its dual goals of developing global competence and college readiness.

Get a foundational understanding of what it means to be globally competent, and what a global learning school is. To do this, consider the outcomes individual students as well as for the school community. Follow these prompts to develop a vision for your school.


The school’s identity is clearly and inextricably linked to the development of global competence.

Turn your vision into reality: create and implement a school mission that’s inclusive and widely understood.


The school’s climate and culture are consistent with its focus on the development of global competence.

Examine the key elements of a successful school culture, and understand the all-important role you play. In a global learning schools, teachers are leaders and are given time to think, plan, and work collaboratively. Students are given freedom to pursue their own learning and development. These tools will help you develop a culture that reflect the mission of the school that define your school’s culture.


College and career readiness is an expectation for all students.

Build college-going expectations at your school school. Research success factors for first-time college-goers, and conduct a school audit on the strategies and support mechanisms that need to be in place.