School Design

This web section is based on the school design matrix*, that serves as a blueprint for a global learning school that ensures students are globally competent, ready for college, and the world beyond.

School design is a continual process. Benchmark progress by understanding data and other evidence that lets you plan for continuous improvements. (You’ll see more on this throughout this website.)

Get Started

What follows are tools that help school leaders design and run a school that lets every student find success (see the student graduate profile). These are examples of exercises the practices that your school can implement, or that can be part of executive and instructional coaching services.

Jump to:

  • Vision, Mission, and Culture
  • Student Learning Outcomes [to come]
  • Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment  [to come]
  • School Organization and Governance [to come]
  • Professional Learning [to come]
  • Partnerships [to come]


*to be updated