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How Japan Introduced 21st-Century Global Skills

In the 1990′s, in response to a changing global economy, Japanese education authorities realized they needed to make major changes to their education system. One of these was to change the curriculum to include an emphasis on interdisciplinary learning, critical thinking, problem solving, and international relations. With a very prescribed curriculum, the trick was to […]

Apps for Global Mobile Learning (Part 2)

On Wednesday, we reported on apps that can be used to teach for global competence in Art, Science, Math, and ELA. Here we continue our list for Languages, History, Social Studies, and Service Learning. Languages Being Global: 
This multimedia story and activity app is based on the award-winning children’s book What Does It Mean To […]

Digital, Global Learning

Digital Learning Day was an inspiration. It has, for one, inspired me to write about three things I wish to see happen. The organizers Alliance for Excellent Education defined digital learning as “any instructional practice using technology to strengthen student learning.” Educators and policymakers throughout the United States watched and chatted online as experts share […]

Common Core: Preparing Globally Competent Citizens, Part 2

The adoption of new and rigorous college- and career-ready standards creates an historic opportunity for schools, districts, and states across the nation to rethink the curriculum. As the introduction to the English language arts Standards notes, “by emphasizing required achievements, the Standards leave room for teachers, curriculum developers, and states to determine how those goals […]

Common Core: Preparing Globally Competent Citizens

The adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English language arts and mathematics in 45 states and the District of Columbia offers educators an unprecedented opportunity to marry the skill development and acquisition of core content needed to develop globally competent citizens with the rigorous skills and core content needed to prepare all […]

Expand Horizons Through Expanded Learning Time

Where better to learn about the world than out in the world? We’ve been hearing a lot about “expanded learning time” lately. Education policymakers and district and school leaders are considering how best to increase learning time for all students. The rationale often cited is the need to help American students become more competitive against […]