Math is a Global Competence

A globally competent student can use math to

the World
Recognize Perspectives
Students investigate the world beyond their immediate environment. Students recognize their own and others’ perspective. Students communicate their ideas effectively with diverse audiences. Students translate their ideas and findings into appropriate actions to improve conditions.

Students can:

Identify an issue or question of global or local significance that calls for a mathematical approach.

Select an appropriate mathematical model or approach that fits a given question.

Apply mathematical strategies tor eview evidence, draw conclusions, and make decisions.

Interpret and apply the results of mathematical analysis to defend an argument about a globally significant problem.

Students can:

Recognize and express how mathematics helps develop their understanding of the world.

Use mathematics to assess the quality and accuracy of information.

Articulate how the development of mathematical knowledge is based on the contributions of different cultures.

Describe how societies and cultures are influenced by mathematics.

Students can:

Recognize and express how diverse audiences may perceive different meanings from the same mathematical information.

Communicate mathematical thinking coherently to diverse audiences of peers, teachers, and members of the community.

Use the appropriate technology and media to communicate mathematical ideas.

Use the language of mathmatics, mathematical representations, and statistics to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas precisely.

Students can:

Identify how mathematics can be used to understand or explain a local or global issue.

Use connections among mathematical ideas to take action on local and global issues.

Use mathematical models to weigh and select an ethical strategy for addressing a globally significant issue.

Reflect how mathematics contributes to their capacity to advocate for improvement.

The mathematics and Global Competence Matrix was created as part of the Council of Chief State School Officers’ EdSteps Project, in partnership with the
Asia Society Partnership for Global Learning.  Similar matrixes describing criteria for global competence within academic disciplines are in development.