Welcome, Art Exhibitor. To design your own Visible Traces gallery exhibition, select a topic, such as politics, religion, calligraphy, animals, or clothing, or a specific medium of work, such as rubbings, paintings, or maps. Your exhibition can cover many centuries, or it can focus on a single time period. Explore the Visible Traces online exhibition to download or print images for your exhibition and then post them in a room to create a gallery space, or compile them in a booklet to share.
You will need to have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer in order to design your exhibition. Ask a teacher or parent if this is already installed. If not ask a teacher or parent to go to adobe.com and download this free program.
Once you confirm that you have Adobe Acrobat, you can get started by clicking here to download or print a 'Workplan'. The Workplan will help you focus your exhibition topic and purpose, write texts for your viewers, and give your exhibition a title. You will probably want to revise your Workplan as you gather images for your exhibition, so print several copies or work in pencil until you finalize it.
Then, go to the Visible Traces exhibition and browse for images, downloading or printing those that catch your attention. Go back and forth between your workplan and your images, adding or deleting images as you develop your exhibition topic and purpose.
Once you have all of your images, print them if you have not already done so and write a description for your audience, telling them why you included this image in your exhibition.
Once your exhibition is complete, post the pages on a wall to form your own gallery space, or compile them in a booklet for a portable exhibition. Feedback from your audience is very valuable for anyone curating, or designing, an exhibition. Click here for a feedback form to ask your audience to complete and return to you.