Credits and Acknowledgements
Orville Schell, Arthur Ross Director, Asia Society Center on U.S.-China Relations
Jeroen de Vries, Co-curator and Exhibition Designer
Susan Meiselas, Co-curator
Leah Thompson, Producer
Frank Ortmanns, Technical Producer
Jillian Schultz, Associate Producer
Yu’ai Zeng, Production Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator, Shanghai
Sim Chi Yin and Yan Cong, Production Assistants, Beijing.
Geordie Wood, Production Assistant, New York
Clara Lambert and Noopur Agarwal, Graphic Design
Collin La Fleche and Elizabeth Moy, Research Assistants
COAL+ICE is a project of the Asia Society Center on US-China Relations.
COAL+ICE was originally produced with Three Shadows Photography Art Centre in Beijing.
RongRong and inri, Directors, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
Jillian Schultz, Associate Producer, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
Leise Hook, International Press Coordinator
Xu Lijing, Beijing Press Coordinator
A special thanks to the team at GlacierWorks.
Thanks to participating organizations: GlacierWorks, Magnum Photos, China Features / China Photo Archive, m97 Gallery, Panos Pictures, NOOR, Visu Artists, Fondazione Sella O.n.l.u.s., the Royal Geographical Society, and the National Archives.
Over the years major support for the Coal+Ice exhibition has been provided by the Arthur Ross Foundation, Open Society Foundations, the 11th Hour Project, and Salesforce.
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