Coal (CCS)
A Roadmap for U.S.-China Collaboration on Carbon Capture and Sequestration
This Report is a Partnership Among:
Asia Society Center on U.S.-China Relations
Orville Schell, Arthur Ross Director
Albert G. Chang, Fellow
Laura Chang, Program Officer
Center for American Progress
Andrew Light, Senior Fellow
Julian L. Wong, Senior Policy Analyst
Dan Sanchez, Special Advisor
Monitor Group
Scott R. Daniels, Senior Partner
Kurt Dassel, Partner
Vivek Sekhar, Consultant
John Benjamin Woo, Consultant
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
S. Julio Friedmann, Carbon Management Program Leader, Energy & Environmental Directorate
This report benefited from the input and expertise of a wide array of individuals:
Frank Alix, President, Powerspan, Inc.
John Ashton, Special Representative for Climate Change for the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Bill Banig, Director of Governmental Affairs, United Mine Workers of America
Bruce Burton, Political/Legislative Affairs, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Brindusa Fidanza, Associate Director, Environmental Initiatives, World Economic Forum
Barbara Finamore, China Program Director, Natural Resources Defense Council
Robert Finley, Director, Advanced Energy Technology Initiative, Illinois State Geological Survey
Sarah Forbes, Senior Associate, World Resources Institute
Orit Frenkel, Senior Manager for International Trade and Investment, General Electric
Kelly Sims, Gallagher Professor of Energy and Environment Policy, Tufts University
Banning Garrett, Director of Asian Affairs, The Atlantic Council
Kate Gordon, Vice President for Energy, Center for American Progress
Dietrich Gross, CEO, Jupiter Oxygen Corporation
Tony Haymet, Director, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Gang He, Research Associate, Stanford University Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
Tom Heller, Professor, Stanford University Law School; President and Founder, Climate Policy Institute
Ken Humphreys, Researcher, Clean Fossil Energy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Melanie A. Kenderdine, Associate Director, MIT Energy Initiative
C.S. Kiang, Director, China Low Carbon Cities Initiative
Joanna Lewis, Assistant Professor, Science, Technology and International Affairs, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service
Jonathan Lewis, Staff Attorney, Clean Air Task Force
Lin Jiang,Vice President and Director of the China Sustainable Energy Program, Energy Foundation
George Polk, Founder, European Climate Foundation
Jingjing Qian, Senior Research Associate, Natural Resources Defense Council
Susan Shirk, Director, Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, University of California
Taiya Smith, Senior Associate, Carnegie Energy and Climate Program and the Carnegie China Program
Debbie Stockwell, Head of CCS in Developing Countries, International Climate Change and Energy, UK Department of Energy and Climate Change
S. Ming Sung, Chief Representative Asia Pacific, Clean Air Task Force
Matthew Webb, Coal Campaign Leader, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Thomas Weber, Vice President, Jupiter Oxygen Corporation
Stephen Wittrig, Director, Advanced Technologies Group Research and Technologies, BP and Tsinghua University Low Carbon Laboratory
The views expressed in this report are those of the primary authors only and do not necessarily represent those of the above advisors and reviewers.