This story of kidnapping, chases, sacrifice, and rescue originated
in a medieval war tale, the “Chronicle of the Great Peace”
(Taiheiki). At this point in the story, Prince Ichnomiya
is exiled from the capital and sends orders for his favorite consort
to come join him on the island of Shikoku, escorted by his most
trusted retainer, Takebun. A pirate, Matsura Gorô, intercepts
them, however, preventing the lovers’ reunion. Like the
adjacent Battles of Ichinotani and Yashima, the story
is set on the coasts of the mainland and of Shikoku, which lies
across the Japan Sea. Although there was a tragic end in the historical
account, in its adaptation as the ballad-drama Shinkyoku
the message was more positive, with a focus on the devotion of
the couple and the noble hero Takebun.