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What Works in Schools Is Real Work

The best type of curriculum for preparing students for the workforce is one that focuses on real-world problem-solving. It sounds simple, but for the first time, we have clearly established a link between students learning 21st century skills and future work success. The results of a Gallup/Microsoft Partners in Learning/Pearson Foundation study show that young […]

Foreign Language Policies Around the World

<em>On the occasion of International Mother Language <a href=””>Day</a>, we have been looking at the importance of languages in schools. Today, Heather Singmaster, senior program associate, Asia Society, looks at how other countries are examining their language policies as part of workforce development strategies.</em> <strong>By Heather Singmaster</strong> It is no secret that Americans lag behind […]

Will the Next “Education President” Please Stand Up?

Issues ranging from the economy to increasing international tensions dominate the headlines and election dialogue. Education has been reserved for discussion for “another day,” that was until both presidential candidates participated in NBC’s recent Education Nation Summit and then again referenced education several times in tonight’s presidential debate. NBC provided a platform for both candidates […]