Partnership for Global Learning Annual Conference 2010


Creating Success in a Global Era: A World-Class Education for Every Student

President Obama has called for a world class education for every American student.  How do we get there from here?  And how do we ensure that every student is both ready for college and globally competent to succeed in the interconnected world of the 21st century?

The Asia Society Partnership for Global Learning annual conference connects educators, business leaders, policymakers and resource providers to share best practices, build partnerships and advance policies to ensure that all students are prepared for work and citizenship in a global era.  Join the conversation in 2010 to:

  • Hear how reauthorization of ESEA provides a game-changing opportunity to include global competence in the rising generation’s education
  • Explore why success in college and the workplace now require global knowledge and skills
  • Discover effective approaches to integrate global learning in elementary, secondary and afterschool programs, and models for teaching world languages
  • Collaborate with experts from high-performing countries worldwide on teaching and learning to promote high achievement and global competence
  • Build effective networks to advocate for global learning in policy and practice