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Introduction 3:11
Wang Huaiqing, Long Live Gutian Spirit, 1967 1:58
Tang Xiaohe, Strive Forward in Wind and Tides, 1971:47
Jiang Tiefeng, Using Mao’s Thought to Fight with the Storm, 1973-74 1:29
Muli Tang, Smash the Gang of Four, 1976 1:07
Han Xin, [...]

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Exhibit Feedback

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Do you have personal stories or memories of this important time in history? Please share them here.

Excerpts from “The Fate of a Painting” by Shen Jiawei

Since its completion in 1974, my oil painting Standing Guard for Our Great Motherland has had a very strange fate. It has become somewhat of a cultural artifact, an embodiment of the narrative of the Cultural Revolution.
When Mao Zedong launched the Cultural Revolution in May 1966, it signaled the end of my dreams of studying [...]

Asia Society Presents First Comprehensive Exhibition Devoted to Revolutionary Chinese Art from the 1950s Through 1970s

Contact: Elaine Merguerian at 212-327-9271
Asia Society Presents First Comprehensive Exhibition Devoted to Revolutionary Chinese Art from the 1950s Through 1970s
Art and China’s Revolution
September 5, 2008 through January 11, 2009
Asia Society presents Art and China’s Revolution, a groundbreaking exhibition that considers the artistic achievement and legacy of one of the most tumultuous and catastrophic periods in [...]

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Comments on this page are no longer active. Below is a sample of comments that were shared during the exhibition.
“During the Revolution 3200 title were written and illustrated that were variation on how Mao’s word would save the day. These 4 x 5 inch comic books were everywhere. They were ordered out of the libraries [...]


Art and China’s Revolution reflects upon one of the most tumultuous and catastrophic periods in recent Chinese history⎯the three decades following the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949. During this time, the government led by Mao Zedong sought to modernize China across all aspects of society, a process that included suppressing or [...]


This unique interactive timeline surveys cultural and political milestones in China during the three turbulent decades from 1949 to 1979. Art events are presented in red; political events are in black.

Cult of Mao

The earliest published portrait of Mao Zedong was created in 1933. In this early period, portraits of Mao were most often woodblock prints and varied greatly in style. When the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, portraits of Mao were standardized by the Central Propaganda Department. When the Cultural Revolution began in 1966, [...]

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