A Story of Invisible Water 看不见的水

Produced by Lynn Zhang and Shirley Han. This is a 4-min short version. You may also see the 16-min full length.

China draws heavily on groundwater. However, in North China Plain, this limited resource is widely polluted and getting depleted fast.

Through the stories of three farmers in Hebei province, this documentary takes an intimate look into one of the world’s worst environmental crisis that are shaping the lives of millions.

Originally published on Friday May 11, 2012

Shirley Han Ying is a videographer, documentary producer, and video editor based in Hong Kong. With more than 7 years in media, Shirley has produced daily news, special features and documentaries for major news networks, including CNN and The Guardian. Shirley has lived and worked in China, South Korea, Iran and Hong Kong. Her work has also taken her to many countries around the world.


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